CHERRY EYE   Cherry eye is the prolapse of the third eyelid gland. Unlike people, dogs have a membrane in the corner of each eye, located underneath the lower lid, which houses a tear gland.This gland produces about 40 % of the tear film which washes and protects the exposed portion of the eyeball.When this […]


TAPEWORM FROM FLEAS CAN INFECT CATS AND DOGS   Frank ,a gorgeous Border Collie , came in to visit us this morning.His mom was very concerned as she had seen him scooting (pulling his but along the floor in a seated position. She took a peek and she saw tapeworm segments hanging out his bum. […]


RELATIONSHIPS I would like to share my feelings with you , MY FRIENDS , as I sit here with elder son…I have left work early to share some time with my family.Dr Orisha is holding the fort. True happiness and fulfilment can only be found in honest and caring relationships. This is where pets are […]

Cats making gagging noises

SHOULD YOU BE WORRIED IF YOUR CAT IS MAKING HACKING GAGGING RETCHING OR COUGHING NOISES BUT NOT BRINGING UP A HAIRBALL? QUESTION Hi Dr Larry, I hope you are well. I wanted to ask you if it would be concerning if a cat constantly attempted to bring up a hairball but nothing ever comes up? […]

Deadly Two Step

Poisionings have become an “in” thing. You have all heard of the word “two step”(aldicarb). Some of you may or may not have seen this substance that has caused millions and millions of deaths to pets yearly. A poison so deadly that animals that consume it manage no more than two paces before falling down […]


SWIMMING AS THERAPY   Dogs with leg problems can be helped. (With your vet’s approval of course). Swimming can also help with dogs who need to loose some weight. *Purchase the life jacket in the picture… *Place your dog calmly in the water. *Hold the handle on top of the jacket and help the dog […]


DOUBLE COATED DOG BREEDS   Double coat means there is both a top (or over) coat made of tougher guard hairs and a bottom or (under) coat that is thick and soft. Breeds such as Pomeranians, Pugs,Shetland Sheepdogs, Siberian Huskies, Samoyeds, are examples of double coated breeds. With a double coated dog they need to […]

Reversed Sneezing

Very common in flat faced dogs.   Reverse sneezing is a sudden rapid and forceful inhalation of air through the nose causing your dog to make a series of snorting noises.Many owners mistake this sound for choking…. Reverse sneezing is often caused by irritation of the soft palate, pharynx or larynx.   This can be […]


WHY IS NAIL TRIMMING SO IMPORTANT FOR DOGS ?   Keeping your dog’s nails trimmed is important for many reasons including proper posture! Your dog’s joints can be affected by long nails by making them shift their body weight backwards, making their back and hind legs take more stress than it is designed to.  

Ticks And Fleas

Even though its the start of winter we have been seeing many dogs with tick and some with tick borne diseases.   We think that its because our winters have not been that cold together with ticks adapting to our high veld weather is causing this phenomenon.   Please do not stop tick and flea […]