
  Hi .. Jolie here   Visiting Dr Larry today as I have Snuffles- a viral infection causing sneezing and conjunctivitis.   I am going to let you into a secret .. love being tickled on my left cheek recieving compliments .Dr Larry tickled me and told me I am beautiful …we are now best […]

Osteoarthritis in Cats

Osteoarthritis In Cats   Osteoarthritis is a degenerative, painful inflammation and swelling of the joints. Individual cases can be triggered by an injury, immune conditions, viral and bacterial systemic infection such as Lyme disease,. However, by far the majority are caused by wear and tear which during the life of the of your pet. Other […]

Cats making gagging noises

SHOULD YOU BE WORRIED IF YOUR CAT IS MAKING HACKING GAGGING RETCHING OR COUGHING NOISES BUT NOT BRINGING UP A HAIRBALL? QUESTION Hi Dr Larry, I hope you are well. I wanted to ask you if it would be concerning if a cat constantly attempted to bring up a hairball but nothing ever comes up? […]


Gizella the problem child in her family. She suffers from skin allergies, feline idiopathic cystitis( bladder inflammation) and the current crisis is her asthma. She spent the day with us so we could nebulize and do physio to loosen the mucous in her chest. She was breathing much better when she was discharged.#grumpycat Dr Orisha […]


This is Lucky He had Feline Urethral Blockage This occurs when the urethra of the cat,(the tube that runs from the urinary bladder through the penis and to the outside of the body) becomes obstructed with stones, crystals or sludge. This blockage results in your cat, almost always a male, being unable to urinate. When a […]

The healing powers of a cats purring.

The healing powers of a cats purring.   Petting a purring cat can lower stress levels and calms you. A cats purring can lower your blood pressure. Vibrat…ions of a cats purr can help healing soft tissue. Cats create purr vibrations within the range of 20 – 140 Hz, known to be medically therapeutic for […]


QUESTION I RECIEVED CONCERNING CAT SPRAYING   “Dr Larry I have a question: is it possible for a male kitten not to be neutered fully? I have a male cat, neutered at 5 months, now 4.5 years old, still sprays in the house, walks around howling because I have contained him in the garden. I […]

Cats and fish

There are MANY PROBLEMS with cats eating too much fish-cooked or raw.I will only deal with cats eating raw fish for the purposes of this answer. 1.Raw fish contains an enzyme called thiaminase .This can cause a deficiency in Thiamine(one of the Vitamin B vitamins) if you feed your cat too much raw fish. 2.Cats […]

Black Cat Myth.

Black Cat Myth.   This may not apply to us in South Africa and we may not celebrate Halloween like they do in America, BUT unfortunately you get people who sacrifice black cats in satanic rituals and use their body parts for certain things. Or it is a belief that black cats take your soul. […]


This cat came into our clinic with red gummy eyes and crusted eyelids. She had a history of being found as a stray kitten 7 months ago with a snotty nose , sneezing and watThe owner told me that about 2 weeks ago, her cat had developed painful red eyes which over the last few […]