Deadly Two Step

Poisionings have become an “in” thing. You have all heard of the word “two step”(aldicarb). Some of you may or may not have seen this substance that has caused millions and millions of deaths to pets yearly. A poison so deadly that animals that consume it manage no more than two paces before falling down […]


WHY PET ADOPTION IS A NO-BRAINER   Peanut’s mother died while giving birth to her and her siblings. Her mother was abused by the breeder who saw her only as a way to produce puppies which she exchanged for money. She was saved by a shelter and adopted by a loving family. Reputable shelters, like […]


This beautiful planet which we inhabit is blessed with such abundance and variety -an infinite range of huge and subtle differences in landscapes, vegetation , animals and ecosystems.We have such variation in peoples ,cultures , languages ,accents ,traditions and individuals . We as humans have done our best to force this complex and beautiful living […]


This photo was kindly shared by a Fur Fan. Here is the story that goes with it- “So beautiful, have a photo of my mother-in-law how she feed a small baby dove,he thinks she is his mom,he actually calling to her with soft cheery sounds! ” Goodnight Dr Larry

Hard week

These past few months have been hard on the Dr’s and staff at Bruma Lake Vet. Unfortunately we have had many patients who have passed on or have had to be put to sleep. This cold has taken a big toll on the animals. To all our clients who have lost their in our […]


Biba ‘s little girl -LITO I have known her since she was a tiny ball of fluff.I first met her with her fluff siblings and her mom in an old garage at a house where Biba used to work. Biba adopted her and I do believe that she has long since forgotten her humble beginnings. Biba used […]

The story of Oogy

Oogy became a celebrity in 2008 when he guest starred on Oprah, and went on to become the subject of a book in 2010. He started out life as a bait dog left for dead, but ended surrounded by family members who absolutely cherished him for the last 12 years. Larry Levin and his 12-year-old twin […]

Life after an alarming case of abuse – one dog’s happy ending.

Life after an alarming case of abuse – one dog’s happy ending. Watching the news recently it was disturbing to see the images of April Rain, a lovely yellow Labrador cross who was rescued by Angel’s Animal Rescue in Merritt after being seriously abused. The story was in the news again, after April Rain’s previous […]


LAST PATIENT Forgive me if I cry today…..put my face in my hands and cry for myself today For today as on many others.. I have felt the pain of every patient ,every client…….felt their frustration,their anxiety ..their helplessness Forgive me if I run out of energy . Forgive me if I run out of patience. […]


This little guy was literally rescued by one of our brave clients from Yeoville. He had been attacked and had wounds on his neck. Luckily it healed. Now his puppy angel is sponsoring his vaccination. Look how patiently he is waiting his turn! Have a good weekend everyone Dr Orisha