Lung Worm

FOR MY FRIENDS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM.I do not have any personal experience or expertise of this condition. This disease is not endemic in South Africa but we do have similar parasites. Angiostrongylys Vasorum or Lungworm as it has come to be known was first discovered in France and is also known as the French […]

Pattern Baldness

I received this question:   Debbie.This sounds like pattern baldness There are various variations of this condition but I will discuss the ones affecting the Dachshundreds here.There is symmetric thinning and loss of hair (alopecia) that usually begins by 6 to 9 months of age and progresses slowly until the affected areas are completely bald. […]

Chipping your pets

It is a sad fact that hundreds of dogs and cats go missing every year. These same pets are found, rather bedraggled but perfectly healthy and handed into local animal shelters who then search desperately for the animal’s owner to no avail. Many of these pets have been equipped with dog identification tags or collars […]

Shallow ulcers

This little guy got into a tussle with his brothers. Now he has a superficial shallow corneal ulcer. We diagnose it with a special stain that comes up green when the first layer of the cornea is damaged. Shallow ulcers are very painful, and it is important to note that you can’t use certain eye […]


GARLIC AND ONIONS -TOXIC TO PETS ? I recieved the question below this week. ANSWER All close members of the onion family (shallots, onions, garlic, scallions, etc.) contain compounds that can damage dog or cat’s red blood cells if ingested in sufficient quantities. Garlic tends to be more toxic than onions, on an ounce-for-ounce basis. […]


3 years ago …..Tembi is now almost 12 years old. She is doing well except for some degenerative arthritis which is common older large breed dogs.I have her on anti inflammatories , painkillers and joint supplements and this helps her tremendously. Love this beautiful girl ♥ Dr Larry Good Morning I’m Tembi, I am almost 9 years […]

Kids and animals

Children who grow up with dogs are not only healthier but they are also more well-adjusted human beings. Studies have shown that kids who live with dogs have stronger immune systems, fewer allergies and possibly even healthier microbiomes. Other research has revealed that kids raised with dogs feel more caring, happy, responsible and intelligent. And […]


Capone our favorite bulldog has been very unwell. He has had a peritonitis ( infection of the abdominal lining) and he was also starting with pneumonia. He is looking so much better today. He even took a biscuit from me. Dr Orisha  


I wrote this article on my blog in response to Charissa question about her cat Kyle who has arthritis. There are many other articles on my blog covering a wide variety of subjects. ARTHRITIS IN CATS Parents of older cats often ascribe decreased activity and nimbleness as being solely due to old age. However, many of these cats […]


TRYING TO MAKE SENSE OF LOSS Dear Fur Fans…. I have had to treat many patients with Parvo over the years. At the start of my career , parvo was a common disease in pups and I often had two or three poor souls with this disease in my hospital. About 15 years ago , […]