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News Feed from my blog: DRLARRY.CO.ZA


I really appreciate all your good wishes on my birthday. Thank You. Many years ago, my wife gave me this very precious collage as a birthday present, a collage of which I have grown steadily more fond with every passing year. What every picture has in ...


I really appreciate all your good wishes on my birthday. Thank You. Many years ago, my wife gave me this very precious collage as a birthday present, a collage of which I have grown steadily more fond with every passing year. What every picture has in ...


ARE WE KILLING OUR PETS WITH KINDNESS ?   Obesity disease which is defined by an excess of body fat such that it greatly increases the risk of disease.Dogs and cats are often considered overweight if their weight is >15% above ideal and are ob...


SHOULD YOU CLIP YOUR DOG IN SUMMER ?   Though it may seem like logical to shave your dog when summer comes ,there are many important reasons why you should not do this.   Double coated dogs refer to the animals that, like Huskies, Chow and Po...


  Hi .. Jolie here   Visiting Dr Larry today as I have Snuffles- a viral infection causing sneezing and conjunctivitis.   I am going to let you into a secret .. love being tickled on my left cheek recieving compliments .Dr Larry tickled ...


Today , I was fortunate enough to examine and treat many adorable fur children and to connect with their wonderful human caregivers.I was busy but I found meaning and pleasure my work   And in the midst of this special day ,I experienced this exce...


Another question asked, some of you guys may or not have heard the answer before.   I always thought that mushrooms were toxic? 2 of my Danes eat avo’s (not because I give it to them…they pick it off the tree themselves and even pull t...

Osteoarthritis in Cats

Osteoarthritis In Cats   Osteoarthritis is a degenerative, painful inflammation and swelling of the joints. Individual cases can be triggered by an injury, immune conditions, viral and bacterial systemic infection such as Lyme disease,. However, b...


FELINE HYPERTHYROIDISM Most common hormonal condition of older cats ! Hyperthyroidism is caused by the overproduction of hormones from the thyroid gland. The main function of thyroid hormones is to all body functions. This condition usually arises as a...


COMMON EYE PROBLEMS IN DACHSHUNDS Dachshunds may suffer from a number of genetically linked Eye Diseases.While other breeds may suffer many of the same conditions ,Dachshunds do fall into a group of dog breeds which are more likely to develop the follo...


CHERRY EYE   Cherry eye is the prolapse of the third eyelid gland. Unlike people, dogs have a membrane in the corner of each eye, located underneath the lower lid, which houses a tear gland.This gland produces about 40 % of the tear film which was...


TAPEWORM FROM FLEAS CAN INFECT CATS AND DOGS   Frank ,a gorgeous Border Collie , came in to visit us this morning.His mom was very concerned as she had seen him scooting (pulling his but along the floor in a seated position. She took a peek and sh...


RELATIONSHIPS I would like to share my feelings with you , MY FRIENDS , as I sit here with elder son…I have left work early to share some time with my family.Dr Orisha is holding the fort. True happiness and fulfilment can only be found in honest...

Cats making gagging noises

SHOULD YOU BE WORRIED IF YOUR CAT IS MAKING HACKING GAGGING RETCHING OR COUGHING NOISES BUT NOT BRINGING UP A HAIRBALL? QUESTION Hi Dr Larry, I hope you are well. I wanted to ask you if it would be concerning if a cat constantly attempted to bring up a...

Deadly Two Step

Poisionings have become an “in” thing. You have all heard of the word “two step”(aldicarb). Some of you may or may not have seen this substance that has caused millions and millions of deaths to pets yearly. A poison so deadly t...


SWIMMING AS THERAPY   Dogs with leg problems can be helped. (With your vet’s approval of course). Swimming can also help with dogs who need to loose some weight. *Purchase the life jacket in the picture… *Place your dog calmly in the w...


DOUBLE COATED DOG BREEDS   Double coat means there is both a top (or over) coat made of tougher guard hairs and a bottom or (under) coat that is thick and soft. Breeds such as Pomeranians, Pugs,Shetland Sheepdogs, Siberian Huskies, Samoyeds, are e...

Reversed Sneezing

Very common in flat faced dogs.   Reverse sneezing is a sudden rapid and forceful inhalation of air through the nose causing your dog to make a series of snorting noises.Many owners mistake this sound for choking…. Reverse sneezing is often ...


WHY IS NAIL TRIMMING SO IMPORTANT FOR DOGS ?   Keeping your dog’s nails trimmed is important for many reasons including proper posture! Your dog’s joints can be affected by long nails by making them shift their body weight backwards, making their ...

Ticks And Fleas

Even though its the start of winter we have been seeing many dogs with tick and some with tick borne diseases.   We think that its because our winters have not been that cold together with ticks adapting to our high veld weather is causing this ph...

Puppy mills

There are those who would say “I am saving this puppy from a puppy mill” Please realise that you are ,in fact, perpetuating an endless cycle of breeding…of suffering .Each pup that you buy will be replaced by 2,3,4 ,5…pups The m...

Why do dogs bite?

Why do dogs bite? There are several possible reasons why a dog may bite: * The dog is protecting a possession, food or water dish or puppies. * The dog is protecting a resting place. * The dog is protecting its owner or the owner’s property. * Th...

Taking a Pitbull into your Family

Taking a Pitbull into your Family   I believe that the decision to bring a pit bull into the home should be a very carefully considered decision, and not one that is made on a whim or a feeling of “how gorgeous…I want one,” or ge...


FELINE PANLEUKOPAENIA   Panleukopaenia is a viral condition in cats caused by a parvo virus that is a similar strain to canine parvo virus/catflu. This disease is prevalent in unvaccinated cats, and can cause severe gastro-intestinal, neurological...

Advantages of leaving your pet at home while you away on holiday:

Advantages of leaving your pet at home while you away on holiday:   – Your pet is in their familiar setting (especially good for cats) – There’s no danger of damaging other people’s things – Food, toys, yard, cage, etc. are alrea...


WHY PET ADOPTION IS A NO-BRAINER   Peanut’s mother died while giving birth to her and her siblings. Her mother was abused by the breeder who saw her only as a way to produce puppies which she exchanged for money. She was saved by a shelter a...


Gizella the problem child in her family. She suffers from skin allergies, feline idiopathic cystitis( bladder inflammation) and the current crisis is her asthma. She spent the day with us so we could nebulize and do physio to loosen the mucous in her c...


This is Lucky He had Feline Urethral Blockage This occurs when the urethra of the cat,(the tube that runs from the urinary bladder through the penis and to the outside of the body) becomes obstructed with stones, crystals or sludge. This blockage resul...


Is Khyber not the most gorgeous boy? He is here for his annual checkup. This chap loves tocatch and eat lizards. He is therefore at risk ofinfection by the eosophageal worm, Spirocera Lupi I have given him a supply of a special dewormer called Milbemax...


REAL RELATIONSHIPS We live in an impersonal world.We deal with huge companies with complex structures and numerous staff. Happiness and fulfillment in life is found in meaningful and deep relationships.As companies become bigger and impersonal ,so our ...


IS IT LEGAL TO CROP DOG’S EARS IN SOUTH AFRICA ?   This was a question asked on a Pitbull page. I would like to answer the question without being judgmental as people should be allowed to ask questions….how else can they learn? QUESTIO...

Is it true that if a dog bites you once, it will always bite you?

Is it true that if a dog bites you once, it will always bite you?   If the dog finds itself in a stressful situation, it may bite to defend itself or its territory. Dogs can bite because they are scared or have been startled. They can bite because...

The healing powers of a cats purring.

The healing powers of a cats purring.   Petting a purring cat can lower stress levels and calms you. A cats purring can lower your blood pressure. Vibrat…ions of a cats purr can help healing soft tissue. Cats create purr vibrations within th...

Animals eating grass

Ever Notice your animal eating grass and never understood why? no, dont worry they not turning into cows.   Some people propose that animals might turn to eating grass when they don’t feel well as a way to make themselves vomit, and then feel bett...


QUESTION I RECIEVED CONCERNING CAT SPRAYING   “Dr Larry I have a question: is it possible for a male kitten not to be neutered fully? I have a male cat, neutered at 5 months, now 4.5 years old, still sprays in the house, walks around howling...


Snoring in dogs   Snoring is a low rattling sound made during breathing when asleep. Snoring is the vibration of respiratory structures in the pharynx.In some cases the sound may be soft, but in other cases can be loud and unpleasant. A weakness i...


MEMORIES This pic , kindlky shared with me by Irina , brings back vivid memories…. SNOOPY …… one of my rescues looked exactly this boy He lived to be almost 20 years of age   Still miss him ..he was the friendliest and most trust...

Cats and fish

There are MANY PROBLEMS with cats eating too much fish-cooked or raw.I will only deal with cats eating raw fish for the purposes of this answer. 1.Raw fish contains an enzyme called thiaminase .This can cause a deficiency in Thiamine(one of the Vitamin...

Appreciation hugs

Many of us have been fortunate enough to receive hugs from our pets .Every hug is beautiful and special but there is a very special type hug…. This is the “appreciation hug” – a hug which is given by an adopted animal or rescue ...

The dangers of having a dog or cat with pink pigmentation or who are missing hair.

The dangers of having a dog or cat with pink pigmentation or who are missing hair.   Do you have a white pet that spends time outside? Any pet is subject to sunburn, but it is very common in a white dog or cat . Other high-risk candidates include ...

Black Cat Myth.

Black Cat Myth.   This may not apply to us in South Africa and we may not celebrate Halloween like they do in America, BUT unfortunately you get people who sacrifice black cats in satanic rituals and use their body parts for certain things. Or it ...


This cat came into our clinic with red gummy eyes and crusted eyelids. She had a history of being found as a stray kitten 7 months ago with a snotty nose , sneezing and watThe owner told me that about 2 weeks ago, her cat had developed painful red eyes...

Do dogs smile??

You can tell just as much about a dog’s state of mind by the commissures as you can by a wagging tail or an excited bark. There are at least two very common “smiles” that dogs perform. There is the “submissive smile,” which closely resembles a snarl, w...

Microchipping your pet

It is a sad fact that hundreds of dogs and cats go missing every year. These same pets are found, rather bedraggled but perfectly healthy and handed into local animal shelters who then search desperately for the animal’s owner to no avail. Many of thes...

Deadly Spiders and Snakes that live in our homes

This article is not meant to scare ,just to make make you more aware. With the rollar coaster weather we’ve been having, its brought out all the creepy crawlies. Here are some that you should be aware of: 1.Rinkals (normally found by properties n...


Household toxicosis is a very real possibility, and often with some common garden plants. Dogs and cats don’t normally eat plants but they may chew the leaves or seeds from boredom, curiosity or sometimes teething in puppies. In some instances the owne...

Lung Worm

FOR MY FRIENDS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM.I do not have any personal experience or expertise of this condition. This disease is not endemic in South Africa but we do have similar parasites. Angiostrongylys Vasorum or Lungworm as it has come to be known was ...

Pattern Baldness

I received this question:   Debbie.This sounds like pattern baldness There are various variations of this condition but I will discuss the ones affecting the Dachshundreds here.There is symmetric thinning and loss of hair (alopecia) that usually b...

Proper restraints when transporting your pets

You buckle up for safety when you’re in the car, shouldn’t your pet?   Unrestrained pets in a car are a distraction to the driver, and can put driver and pet at risk for serious injury, “or worse,” says Vet Larry.   &#...


The formation of plaque on teeth leads not only to the accumulation of tartar but also to periodontitis (inflammation and destruction of the area where the tooth attaches to gum) and gingivitis (inflammation of gum). If this process is left untreated, ...

Chipping your pets

It is a sad fact that hundreds of dogs and cats go missing every year. These same pets are found, rather bedraggled but perfectly healthy and handed into local animal shelters who then search desperately for the animal’s owner to no avail. Many of thes...

How to adjust your pets collar.

Use the “two finger” rule: Once the dog’s collar is fastened, you should be able to easily slide two fingers under the collar. When you slide the width of your two fingers between the collar and neck, the collar should feel snug, but not tight. &...

Do Dogs Mourn?

Do Dogs Mourn? When one dog dies, owners will often notice some changes in the pets that are left behind. They may become aloof or lethargic. Some may stop eating or become clingy. Based on these outward signs, it appears that dogs do grieve when their...

Cover up

For most people, cats are a great pet because they pretty much clean up after themselves. But uncovered poo is usually an indication of an angry kitty. Did you recently show him dominance? This could be his treat to show you that he is, in fact, the do...

Cover up

For most people, cats are a great pet because they pretty much clean up after themselves. But uncovered poo is usually an indication of an angry kitty. Did you recently show him dominance? This could be his treat to show you that he is, in fact, the do...


This beautiful planet which we inhabit is blessed with such abundance and variety -an infinite range of huge and subtle differences in landscapes, vegetation , animals and ecosystems.We have such variation in peoples ,cultures , languages ,accents ,tra...

To All

TO ALL THE DOGS WE LOVED BEFORE This has been around a long time. I have never seen a better quoute explaning how the relatively short lives that dogs have impact on us and have meaning in our lives. Dr Larry


Hi ,I’m Lexi Divorce not only affects kids….sometimes people have to move into smaller homes and pets are left homeless I have been fortunate to find a wonderful and loving home. Others are not so fortunate…. I’m off to play wit...


This photo was kindly shared by a Fur Fan. Here is the story that goes with it- “So beautiful, have a photo of my mother-in-law how she feed a small baby dove,he thinks she is his mom,he actually calling to her with soft cheery sounds! ” Go...




Hello… Goofy here I am a young female feral cat who lived in an office park. I and other feral cats are being fed by a group of kind humans Dr Larry ‘s brother, David, is one of the wonderful people who look after us When he saw that I had ...


To have your pet live to old age the honour to look after them in old age is a blessing There is a wisdom and kindness in an old pet which can only be achieved with time. I love old pets Dr Larry

Hard week

These past few months have been hard on the Dr’s and staff at Bruma Lake Vet. Unfortunately we have had many patients who have passed on or have had to be put to sleep. This cold has taken a big toll on the animals. To all our clients who have lo...


Biba ‘s little girl -LITO I have known her since she was a tiny ball of fluff.I first met her with her fluff siblings and her mom in an old garage at a house where Biba used to work. Biba adopted her and I do believe that she has long since forgo...

The story of Oogy

Oogy became a celebrity in 2008 when he guest starred on Oprah, and went on to become the subject of a book in 2010. He started out life as a bait dog left for dead, but ended surrounded by family members who absolutely cherished him for the last 12 ye...


Mia wants to be a vet Being a vet must be the most emotionally rewarding and , the most emotionally difficult life for a caring person. The joy and pain ,the happiness and suffering are difficult to explain as well as to endure. I can honestly say much...

Shallow ulcers

This little guy got into a tussle with his brothers. Now he has a superficial shallow corneal ulcer. We diagnose it with a special stain that comes up green when the first layer of the cornea is damaged. Shallow ulcers are very painful, and it is impor...


Why do you sit in an unladylike position? Because it’s comfortable, of course! Same goes for your kitty. When she is sprawled with her legs open, she is relaxed, happy and trusting in you. She knows that she is safe in your presence, so she can r...

Hand raising

Hand raising😍 When most people think of hand raising they think aww cute babies and the bonding must be an amazing experience – but many forget the hard work and dedication it requires.😴😯 Hand raising is considered from 1 day old till the weened ...


KC After golf ball removed from small intestine. Not just a handsome boy…tough too Dr Larry


Meet little Jack He was found outside an office building and the kind soul who found him decided to adopt him. He is a proper little ruffian who is going to make a lovely addition to their fur family. Check up and first round of vaccinations done. Next...


When you are so cute you don’t need to cooperate for the photographer. This gorgeous boy goes by Yaygo. He had X-rays done to check his knees. He has ruptured his cruciate ligament and will have surgery next week. TGIF Dr Orisha  


Little Cola in with conjunctivitis of both eyes. This baby bunny picked its own family. Decided on a driveway and adopted the family that went with it. His favorite food is broccoli. Happy Saturday Dr Orisha  


GOOD MORNING … I FEEL GOOD ! My name is Hercules Rescued as feral with a life threatening eye infection …. I had to have my eye removed but now I have grown in health and strength.I am now a tough and athletic young man.I am visiting Dr Lar...

Mr Fox

Mr Fox with his mom Maria This rescue chap is here for a follow up visit as he has pneumonia. Glad to report that he is so much better Hope you had a relaxing weekend Dr Larry


GARLIC AND ONIONS -TOXIC TO PETS ? I recieved the question below this week. ANSWER All close members of the onion family (shallots, onions, garlic, scallions, etc.) contain compounds that can damage dog or cat’s red blood cells if ingested in suf...

Old dogs deserve just as much love and attention

Old dogs deserve just as much love and attention as puppies. Everyone loves puppies, but senior dogs have spent many more years loving and being loyal to their humans.  

Life after an alarming case of abuse – one dog’s happy ending.

Life after an alarming case of abuse – one dog’s happy ending. Watching the news recently it was disturbing to see the images of April Rain, a lovely yellow Labrador cross who was rescued by Angel’s Animal Rescue in Merritt after being seriously ...


3 years ago …..Tembi is now almost 12 years old. She is doing well except for some degenerative arthritis which is common older large breed dogs.I have her on anti inflammatories , painkillers and joint supplements and this helps her tremendously...

Kids and animals

Children who grow up with dogs are not only healthier but they are also more well-adjusted human beings. Studies have shown that kids who live with dogs have stronger immune systems, fewer allergies and possibly even healthier microbiomes. Other resear...


Hi , I’m Brooklyn Life is hard when your brother bites your ear ,shredding it like confetti ….😳 Dr Larry decided to take on challenge….he has trimmed the edges and sutured the pieces together. Little embarrassed walking around wearing...


PAY ATTENTION TO HOW A PERSON TREATS ANIMALS Beautifully said. We have seen this quote many times. The language is sophisticated and makes this statement sound very deep. However ,it is actually common sense. Let me put it another way. A person who fee...


LAST PATIENT Forgive me if I cry today…..put my face in my hands and cry for myself today For today as on many others.. I have felt the pain of every patient ,every client…….felt their frustration,their anxiety ..their helplessness Fo...


This little guy was literally rescued by one of our brave clients from Yeoville. He had been attacked and had wounds on his neck. Luckily it healed. Now his puppy angel is sponsoring his vaccination. Look how patiently he is waiting his turn! Have a go...


Capone our favorite bulldog has been very unwell. He has had a peritonitis ( infection of the abdominal lining) and he was also starting with pneumonia. He is looking so much better today. He even took a biscuit from me. Dr Orisha  


I wrote this article on my blog in response to Charissa question about her cat Kyle who has arthritis. There are many other articles on my blog covering a wide variety of subjects. ARTHRITIS IN CATS Parents of older cats often ascribe decreased activit...


TRYING TO MAKE SENSE OF LOSS Dear Fur Fans…. I have had to treat many patients with Parvo over the years. At the start of my career , parvo was a common disease in pups and I often had two or three poor souls with this disease in my hospital. Abo...


GEORGE’S STORY🐈 Hi everyone…. I’m George I was found as a wondering in a townhouse complex as a stray kitten. I was adopted by a kind lady who sadly passed away not long after. Fortunately, another wonderful lady took me as her own&#8...

Keep your pets warm on cold nights

Good evening It’s really chilly tonight – please make sure that all your fur kids are kept warm Please share as this is important  


Goodnight -can you see yawning in the bottom pic 😊 And so it comes time for me to wish you fairwell.This has been a week of huge ups and downs. We do not have the luxury to give up.We will choose to stay motivated and positive.We have a extraordinary p...


DANGEROUS FOODS -DOGS AND CATS NB American phone numbers !


XOLOITZCUONTLI Try saying this five times in a row Pronounced Sho-lo-eets-quint-lee, the Xoloitzcuintli is usually referred to as the “Mexican Hairless Dog” or just “Xolo.” This breed is so old that it was actually worshiped by the Aztecs. Because many...

Thai Ridgeback

Thai Ridgeback Similar to the Rhodesian Ridgeback, the Thai Ridgeback pup has a line of hair growing in the opposite direction along the spine. These strong-willed, powerful pups are used as livestock guardians in their Asian home.  

Neapolitan Mastiff

Neapolitan Mastiff Historically bred to fight alongside the Romans wearing body armor and blades so that they could run under and disembowel enemy horses, the Neopolitan Mastiff was almost extinct at the end of WWII. After an Italian painter set up a k...


BEWARE EARLY PUBERTY IN CATS Four of the five kittens that I sterilised this morning.The photos were taken after each kitten was sedated. Unfortunately my phone went flat so I could not photograph the fifth cutie They are three and a half months old. T...


OLDER PETS NEED CLOSE ATTENTION CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS BENEFIT FROM PETS Say hello to Jessica- resident fur child at Lambano Sanctuary ,a home for or children with life threatening illnesses. She developed kidney shutdown as a result of not drinki...


Poor Baloo ,Tanisha’s gorgeous rescue furchild ,came in to visit me as he vomiting . After treatment ,he is now feeling much better . The only problem has been that he is still full of gas and we have been walking around holding our noses the who...


ESSENTIAL RELATIONSHIPS The story of each of our individual lives is the story of relationships.We can not ,nor should we, exclude our relationships with pets. I ,personally ,have been fortunate to benefit from many of these relationships. My life has ...

What do you see

What do you see 👀🤔 NATURE IS BOUNTIFUL 🐈🐦🐸🐢🐟🐝🦀🌳🌺…….. Humans were born, one may say created ,to recognise and love patterns. Animals generously provide us with a plethora of beautiful patterns. Dr Larry  

How often should my pets be dewormed?

Small puppies and kittens can be dewormed from two weeks of age and thereafter every 2-4 weeks for the first 4 months. There after they should be dewormed every 3-4 months. If you live on a farm, take your dog out for regular walks or don’t feed your p...

How often should my pets be dewormed?

Small puppies and kittens can be dewormed from two weeks of age and thereafter every 2-4 weeks for the first 4 months. There after they should be dewormed every 3-4 months. If you live on a farm, take your dog out for regular walks or don’t feed your p...

What vaccinations must my Four legged Family Member get and when is it best to have them spayed/neutered?

All puppies must be vaccinated at 6 weeks, 10 weeks and 14 weeks of age with a standard 5-in-1 vaccination. All kittens must be vaccinated at 8 weeks and 12 weeks of age with a standard 3-in-1 vaccination. Both puppies and kittens must be vaccinated ag...

After spaying- swelling over stitches?

This is a message I received last night QUESTION Good evening. Please you post your answer in Dachshunds in South Africa page. I wished to be better informed of the mechanics. When a bitch is spayed the vet shaves the tummy and then goes through the ou...


Hi I’m Oscar I’m visiting with Dr Larry because I have a condition affecting my corneas.Let me tell you more about this condition… Pannus, or chronic superficial keratitis, is a progressive inflammatory disease of the cornea brought ab...


BEST STORIES ARE TRUE Every person has their own stories to tell . Many are interesting.Pet lovers have the most interesting and relevant stories to share. You may well ask….why? Firstly we are deep and sensitive individuals with profound experie...


TURMERIC FOR PET ARTHRITIS Today I recieved a excellent question about Turmeric for arthritis in pets: Is it safe and does it work? This is what we all want to know when we use a treatment.These two aspects of any treatment also are interesting because...

True words

TRUE WORDS? Lizelle very kindly shared these profound and important words with me. I sometimes feel that my friends on Facebook can almost read my mind. This statement had many layers of meaning.One of these layers may include the performance of good d...


PANCREATITIS- part 2 DIAGNOSIS: 1.Typical Symptoms 2.Physical Exam 3.If pancreatitis suspected blood will be drawn for Laboratory Tests,.This helps the diagnosis , evaluation for secondary complications and treatment Pancreatic Specific Lipase Enzyme i...


OLDER PETS NEED CLOSE ATTENTION CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS BENEFIT FROM PETS Say hello to Jessica- resident fur child at Lambano Sanctuary ,a home for or children with life threatening illnesses. She developed kidney shutdown as a result of not drinki...

Catalburun dog

The Catalburun dog  has a highly distinctive split nose; they also have superior scenting abilities, although scientists are baffled as to why the nose is split, or if this plays a part in their scenting ability. This is not a deformity.  

Norwegian Lundehund

Originally used in Norway to hunt for Puffins, the Lundehund has six toes on each foot, prick ears that it can control at will, and the ability to tip its head backward to touch its backbone. The Norwegian Lundehund is unlike any other breed.  


GI STASIS GI stasis is the slowing down or complete stopping of a rabbits gastrointestinal tract. It is often caused by a slowing of the normal peristaltic muscular contractions which push food and liquids through the intestines. The slowdown or stoppi...


PASTEURELLA /PASTEURELLOSIS Pasteurella multocida refers to a species of bacteria, which can be a part of your rabbits normal internal bacteria. There are many different strains of this bacteria.How Pasteurella affects a rabbit depends on the strain an...


EAR MITES – SYMPTOMS Rabbits ears usually stand up.If their ears hang down this could be a sign of ear mites. Other signs include : Itching primarily located around the ears, head, and neck; occasionally generalized Head shaking and scratching.Th...


SORE HOCKS WHAT IS SORE HOCKS? Hocks are your rabbit’s back feet. Ranging from the ankle down to the end of the toes. “Sore hocks” or pododermatitis, is caused by pressure on the sole of a rabbit’s foot ,which then becomes raw a...


COCCIDIOSIS Coccidiosis(Eimeria Species) is a sporozoal (spread by spores) infection in rabbits. It is a highly contagious disease and can be fatal. While there are a 12 different types of this protozoa that are found in rabbits, only a few of them act...


BLOAT Bloat is an excruciatingly painful , often fatal condition in rabbits. It begins as an abnormal accumulation of gas that leads to huge distention(stretching) of a rabbits stomach. Rabbits stomachs are different from most animals in that they are ...


HEAD TILT Head tilt is syndrome and has many different causes.We usually first categorise different types by a collection of symptoms which can include: Head tilt Twisted neck (called wry neck or torticollis) Flickering and rolling eyes (nystagmus and ...


HEAT STROKE As the warm weather continues it is important to know that rabbits do not tolerate the heat well. They can get heat stroke just like us and this can be potentially fatal. Each rabbit is different in the tolerance to heat Key factors for avo...


FLY STRIKE WHAT IS FLY STRIKE? Fly strike(Myiasis) is a severe parasitic condition that occurs in rabbits.The disease caused by the green bottle fly (Lucilia sericata) and other related fly species which lay eggs on or around the rabbit’s hindqua...


SNUFFLES Snuffles is characterized by sneezing, milky-colored discharge from the nostrils that can range from a thin to thick consistency with small “chunks” of white material present, noisy breathing with the mouth closed as well as discharge from the...

Lots of love

I only have one eye but twice as much love…. Goodnight Dr Larry  


DEWORMING SIMPLE ESSENTIAL -OFTEN OVERLOOKED ! 💣💣💣 The most common worms that affect dogs are roundworm, hookworm, tapeworm and whipworm. Worms are a common cause of ill health in pets .They can cause problems such as loss of appetite,weakness , vomiti...


Meet Dorrito I have just clipped her beak as it had grown too low no and she was unable to eat properly. Got to love a job where everyday brings something different… Dr Larry  


DA HUGA DA PUGA(ADA POOCHIE) IS DA BEST Have U huga your Puga(or ada Poochie) today…? NB Some dogs don’t enjoy being hugged so keep this in consideration before hugging your dog.NEVER hug a strange dog as they may become fearful and could b...


ANIMALS PROTECT AND HELP US WHAT ARE WE DOING FOR THEM…. Dr Larry Gambian pouch rats – true heroes. Gambian pouch rats are a breed of large (cheek) pouched rodents. They belong to the family called Muroidea which includes mice, rats, voles,...

Skin Problems in Rats

  Almost all skin problems in rats result in scabbing.These scabs can start anywhere on the body from the ears to the base of the tail.They can be painful, itchy and become infected and weaken your rats immune system. There are usually 3 main caus...

Hats and Sunglasses

Have you ever noticed that your dog gets a little weirded out every time you throw on a pair of shades or leave the house in your favorite baseball cap? It’s because a lot of dogs have a huge phobia of ”disguises.” Strange, right? Well, not if you thin...

Tips for picky and finicky eaters

…..Dogs not children Many smaller breeds such as the Maltese and Yorkshire Terriers are known to be picky eaters. Stray dogs will eat almost anything but, in our homes, they discover that some types of food are more tasty than others. There&#8217...


You can lower your blood pressure just by petting your dog or cat..  


WOW ! At over 7 ft and 2600 lbs(1850kg) !!!-… Big Jake the world’s largest horse  


A dog may interpret a smiling person as baring their teeth, which is an act of aggression  

The Basset Hound

The Basset Hound is the only dog breed credited with having genuine achondroplasia, or the gene for dwarfism. Their legs and joints are stunted, but their heads and bodies are normal size. This also makes swimming challenging and sometimes impossible f...

Neapolitan Mastiff

Historically bred to fight alongside the Romans wearing body armor and blades so that they could run under and disembowel enemy horses, the Neopolitan Mastiff was almost extinct at the end of WWII. After an Italian painter set up a kennel to protect th...

My dream

MY DREAM💚 ALJ Animal Lovers Johannesburg had to rescue this sweet pupper with burns around his face and feet.They were contacted in a roundabout manner and asked to collect him. We know next to nothing about his past or how he received these burns.What...


Myths about Rescue Dogs You can only get a purebred dog from a breeder or pet store-WRONG ! Shelter and rescue dogs come in all shapes and sizes, and many purebred dogs do end up in shelters While you can find a specific pure bred at your local shelter...

Molly has recovered

UPDATE : THANKS TO OUR SUPPORTERS! Mollys bill has been covered ! We would like to thank you all again for all the donations. We ask any supporters who would still like to donate towards our support fund to use the reference DrLarrySF going forward . T...

Dr Larry Kraitzick 2018-05-08 11:18:47

BEWARE TICK BORN DISEASE ! Penny (Rescue Furchild) has Tick Bite Fever caused by the blood parasite Babesia Canis.Her parents only found one small tick on her but brought her in immediately when she showed decreased appetite and mood. Remember immature...


Pugs go by a number of different names, including Chinese pug, Dutch bulldog, Dutch mastiff, Mini mastiff, Carlin, and for some strange reason, Mops.  


Cats are the ultimate hunters When a cat chases its prey, it keeps its head level. Dogs and humans bob their heads up and down.  

Cherry Eye

Cherry Eye Cherry eye is the prolapse of the third eyelid gland. Unlike people, dogs have a membrane in the corner of each eye, located underneath the lower lid, which houses a tear gland.This gland produces about 40 % of the tear film which washes and...

What to expect from your older cat

What to expect in your older cat If your cat is over the age of 7 years, he’s considered a senior cat. This doesn’t mean your furriest friend is old, because, let’s face it, you’re only as old as you feel. That same premise holds true for cats. That sa...

Human Pet Relationships

Don’t they bring a smile to your face? Goodnight Dr Larry This photo was taken 3 years ago… Sadly ,this adorable lady has since passed  

How to take care of your flat nosed dogs wrinkles

Dogs with facial wrinkles or skin folds (like sharpei’s and pugs) can quickly smell very unpleasant if those skin folds aren’t cleaned regularly. This is especially true on dogs with very short noses. The wrinkles hold an accumulation of fo...


With the ability to learn a similar average number of words ,topping the intelligence category is the Border Collie who understands up to 200 words. So the line up in order of intelligence is as follows: Border collie. The Border collie is energetic, a...

Dogs are great source of heat

Reasons why dog’s should sleep in the bed with us 🐶😴 Dogs are warm 🌡 Snuggling up with another person is an excellent way to keep warm on cold nights.Because we are warm blooded ,we can share our warm with each other.There’s a reason it feels ext...


From Mysterious to Spine Chilling 😱 In a 2010 poll, 67 percent of pet owners reported their pets acting strangely right before a storm, and 43 percent said their pets behaved oddly right before something bad happened🤔 The top clues? Whining, erratic be...


WORMS AND PUPPIES Good Morning , Maddie here…with Dr Larry When my mom and dad adopted me , I had loads of worms.I got a little sick when I was dewormed from all the worms dying. Ok …so why I am I telling you all this? Almost every puppy ha...

5 Freedoms

Happy Freedom day Remember animals are entitled to freedom too 1. Freedom from hunger and Thirst 2. Freedom from discomfort 3. Freedom from pain, injury and disease 4. Freedom to express normal behaviour 5. Freedom from fear and distress. Be kind to al...


MILO Suspected Pancreatitis Iv fluids Anti nausea drugs Painkillers Antibiotics LOVE  


The Rhodesian Ridgeback dog is a fearless hunter, and with good reason- they were originally used to hunt lions! Thankfully ,this practice stopped years ago Still a very good bodyguard but only if kept inside at night !  


Just visited with Dr Larry Now it’s nap time PS Can you believe… I’M A RESCUE! I now have a loving home 💜 (abandoned by breeder because my dad was not a Lab)  

Save a life

This tiny rescue pup’s lower limb was severely injured in an accident.Jenny ,the who saved the pup, was not prepared to amputate the whole limb as she was advised before considering different options She brought him to me and asked me to try to s...


RESCUE IZZY WITH ANAL SAC ISSUE Useful info in this post 🤓 Izzy is visiting me as she as impacted anal sacs(they are full of glandular material which she cannot express) Anal sac disease is the most common disease anal region in dogs. Anal sacs may bec...

Sneaky Cats

Sneaky Cats Cats purr at the same frequency of a babies cry ….this helps to influence us to nurture them. Now here is where the really clever part comes in …imbedded within their naturally low-pitched purr is a higher frequency sound ,almos...


LISTERIOSIS IN ANIMALS Although L. monocytogenes can infect many animal species, dogs and cats rarely get listeriosis and they usually don’t show signs of disease. One reference mentions only six reported cases in dogs from 1947 to 2000, and the dogs s...

No worm under the tongue

There is no a ‘worm’ under your dog’s tongue – don’t cut it FOR many years there has been a belief amongst some people bthat there is a ‘worm’ that lives underneath the tongue of dogs. It is believed that if this ‘worm’ is cut out the dog will grow str...

New York

NEW TER ! NEW TER ! Start spreading the news, my sutures come out today. I want to be a part of it, New Ter New Ter These vagabond paws were longing to stray  Right from the very home I at ,New Ter New Ter I gonna wake up, In a body that doesn’t ...

Message from a dear friend

This is how I picture you Dr Larry!  forever the caring father.  

Whats that smell??

Ever wonder why dogs smell each others ears?? Dogs secrete small amounts of dog appeasing hormone from their ears. This is the same stuff that lactating bitches(bitches who are feeding their pups) secrete to calm puppies.  



A treat

WHAT A TREAT 💜 Today I had privilege of meeting a fantastic family .They were my last clients of the day. These two proud young ladies (sisters) and their mom totally charmed me ……such gentle and kind people . They brought their pups in fir...

Skin problems in rats

Skin Problems in Rats Almost all skin problems in rats result in scabbing.These scabs can start anywhere on the body from the ears to the base of the tail.They can be painful, itchy and become infected and weaken your rats immune system. There are usua...


HYPOTHYROIDISM IN DOGS….IMPORTANT UNDERDIAGNOSED CONDITION An underactive thyroid is one of the most common endocrine diseases to affect dogs. It usually affects large breed middle aged dogs. Some of the breeds at increased risk of developing the...

Running with your dogs

RUNNING WITH YOUR WITH YOUR CANINE FRIEND There are many advantages of having a dog as your running partner. Many dogs enjoy running and they help keep their human partners motivated. Running can be excellent exercise for dogs and humans. What is more ...


Hi ,my name is Snoopy and I’m a Rescue I have Addison’s Disease .This is a condition in which the outside of my adrenal glands are unable to produce hormones.My body needs these hormones to keep my blood pressure up and essential minerals i...


Myths about Rescue Dogs Something must be wrong with a dog if he / she is in a shelter Some people assume that rescue and shelter dogs have a flaw or problem that caused their previous owners to give them up, such as behavioral issues, health problems ...


Obesity in cats is a serious risk to their health. It hugely increases the risk of diabetes and cancer ,leads to arthritis ,aggravates asthma and increasing the risk and severity of many other diseases. CATS THAT ARE OVERWEIGHT HAVE A SHORTER LIFE . CA...

Adoption is cool!!!

Are these two not absolutely beautiful and adorable pups 💜 Bandit and Mila are Rescues .This kind lady save 4 pups in total ….unfortunately 4 others who were run over 💔 She has found homes for the other two and she is adopting these two ❤ Chat so...

My son

My son The only teenager who , on a school tour , seeks out a semi feral cat and befriends it I’m a very proud dad  

My son

My son The only teenager who , on a school tour , seeks out a semi feral cat and befriends it I’m a very proud dad  


WOW! The fastest breed of dog is of course the Greyhound – they can run at up to 45 miles(72km per) hour! The average top running speed for other breeds of dog is around 20m(32km) per hour  

World Spay Day

We are so excited! 62 animals were sterilized today in honour of World Spay Day! Thank you Dr Larry Kraitzick, the state vets, volunteers, our loyal supporters and Viv Saints Elliott for all the fundraising you do, we are so grateful and know we would ...


The Catahoula dog possesses perhaps one of the most unique canine traits of all; they are competent climbers, and can even climb trees! This is, of course, highly unusual in the dog world, as most dogs do not have the right conformation of the legs and...


Good Morning I am Harry Winston. I had a twisted small intestine when I was just a pup.Dr Larry did an emergency op on me and then I spent that night at his home sleeping next to him.He told me that he loves me so much that I am like another son. Cheer...

Beautiful Story

Beautiful True Story This adorable pup crawled through the palisade fencing surrounding our clinic yesterday and then collapsed … he was starving, dehydrated, and very weak. Afrer few hours of some medical care and a lot of love, he showed an ama...

Vets fur child

Vet’s Fur Child Feeling Poorly Today my own girl,Tickes ,has gastritis .She probably ate something she shouldn’t have in our garden.Poor child has lost her appetite ,been drinking a lot of water and vomiting. Dogs with gastritis ,often drin...

Essential Relationships

ESSENTIAL RELATIONSHIPS The story of each of our individual lives is the story of relationships.We can not ,nor should we, exclude our relationships with pets. I ,personally ,have been fortunate to benefit from many of these relationships. My life has ...

Layla was saved

Layla who nearly died but was saved by Dr Larry.

The tales

Grateful for a good ,if not perfect week Healers who are honest with themselves realise their limitations.It would be arrogant for us to believe that we have total control over the healing process.Our job is to help the body heal itself and/or to provi...


Remember Rescue Buddy ,the 16 year old who was doing poorly because a terrible infection his mouth with multiple tooth abscesses . He came in today for a checkup and he is happy and looking amazing. Hope you are enjoying your weekend.I know I am althou...


As a vet ,you never get to plan your life . As a vet in a small practice , there is very little respite from work or the emotional stress and responsibility that accompanies the work. I always believed that my work would become easier as I became more ...

Protect your pets

Protect your pets from dangerous rays Mokka visiting as he has a large tumour of the skin underneath on his tummy. Almost all tumours in this area are caused by exposure to the sun over a long period of time. Pit Bulls,Fox Terriers ,Jack Russells and o...

Cherry Eye

Cherry eye is the prolapse of the third eyelid gland. Unlike people, dogs have a membrane in the corner of each eye, located underneath the lower lid, which houses a tear gland.This gland produces about 40 % of the tear film which washes and protects t...


This gorgeous senior lady is here for a follow up checkup. We operated on her 2 weeks ago to remove a tumour which was growing rapidly and destroying her left upper eyelid.The tumour was also rubbing against her eyeball and damaging her cornea. As you ...

Rescue story

This Pit Bull Was Shot In The Head And Left For Dead. Then? A Real-Life Miracle. A Good Samaritan happened upon a horrifying scene in Kansas this year. He found a bloodied Pit Bull left for dead suffering from a single shotgun wound. The pup had been s...


My client and friend Reuben saw this Rooster suffering in a cage in Jules street , Malvern Johannesburg.He rescued her and brought her to me as she was wheezing. I am treating her for a respiratory infection but we are not sure if he will recover.Reube...

Demodectic Mange

The condition can be mild to severe. All the photos that follow are of severe cases The condition can be localised-the first photograph.It can be generalised- the second photograph. There can be secondary infection- the third photograph. In some cases ...

No worms, No problems

Just a reminder… Don’t forget to regularly deworm your animals. They should ideally be done every 3 months. If they primarily live indoors, every 6 months should be adequate. High worm burdens can have terrible effects, with repeated episod...


Poor Lali was found abandoned .She is most loving and gentle soul Lali had terrible dental problems with infection in the upper jaw bone ,canines and molars. When she smiled ,her lips used to get stuck above her teeth.She also has a huge mammary (breas...

Diabetes Mellitus

This Cutie came in with very early Diabetes Mellitus. Early detection and treatment of this condition leads to a decrease in complications such as ketoacidosis and decreased incidence secondary organ disease.This means less chance of eye damage or blin...


I recieved this question from a Fur Fan a few days ago ” I’m so shaken today. Yesterday my vet did a needle aspiration on a mass and the cells were “scarry lympn node cell”. She wanted to do like the fourth surgery in the last s...

A myth

It’s an old myth that dogs see in black and white. Although they see differently to humans, they’re still able to detect strains of yellow and blue and are only red-green colour blind.  

Dental Health

This kitty had a periapical abcess(abcess beneath the root of a tooth) and periodontitis( inflammation,infection and receding of gums with breakdown of the ligament which fixes the tooth to the gum) Evidence is mounting up that chronic teeth and gum di...

Adopt dont shop

LOOK INTO THOSE EYES AND TELL ME WHAT YOU SEE…. Adopted from a shelter.This girl is nervous of strangers but once she gets to know you, you could not find a more loving and gentle soul. Her family were not prepared to leave her in Europe with the...

Basset Hounds

Basset Hounds are among the most pleasant-natured and easygoing of all breeds. Some are dignified, but most are clownish. Almost all are reliably good-natured, sociable, and peaceful with everyone – strangers, children, and other pets, too. At a dog sh...

Kitty Cat magazine


Feline Calici Virus part 2

FELINE CALICI VIRUS (part 2) There is no specific treatment for Feline Calicu Virus (FCV)Antibiotics are used for secondary bacterial infections, and immune modulators, such as lymphocyte T-cell immune modulator, have been used for immune support. Feli...

Calici Virus part 1

CALICI VIRUS IN CATS Part One Feline calicivirus infection ,together with Feline Herpes virus ,are the the most common causes of respiratory disease. The virus attacks the respiratory tract — lungs and nasal passages — the mouth, with ulcer...

Bloating in rabbits

BLOAT Bloat is an excruciatingly painful , often fatal condition in rabbits. It begins as an abnormal accumulation of gas that leads to huge distention(stretching) of a rabbits stomach. Rabbits stomachs are different from most animals in that they are ...


Rocco the pitbull is feeling very sorry for himself. He has been vomiting and had diarrhea. On a faecal smear unusual large bacteria were identified that shouldn’t be there. They are a type of food or garbage born bacteria that cause food poisoni...


Recieved this post from my friend Ischell about Buddy ,an old chap that I treated …there is an important message here “This is Buddy and he is 16, he has a few tumours hanging off his body and he had the worst teeth I have ever seen on a do...


COCCIDIOSIS Coccidiosis(Eimeria Species) is a sporozoal (spread by spores) infection in rabbits. It is a highly contagious disease and can be fatal. While there are a 12 different types of this protozoa that are found in rabbits, only a few of them act...


I’m Moose ….. I am here for a follow up visit with Dr Larry for an ear infection.He says that I am a very handsome hound. Dr Larry says that it is crucial to treat ear infections early and intensively in order to prevent long damage to ear ...


Tekira the poodle all puffed up. This little lady has skin allergies. In her case it presened by licking her toes and scratching her ears. Her mommy has it under control with the occasional outbreak, which needs medication. Hope everyone is having a go...

Lameness in older dogs

LAMNESS IN OLDER DOGS -TAKE NOTE This gorgeous 9 year old Lab “Honey ” has a non-weight bearing lamness in her left fore. What do we do ?Presume that she has arthritis? Definitely not! We should never presume that an older large dog that ha...